

05.06. – 07.06.2024 | AG attending a leading international conference on energy storage – Enerstock 2024, in Lyon.


EGU24 collection

14.04.-19.04.2024 | Several contributions presented at the EGU24 in Vienna (Austria)


22. – 23.01.2024 | At the kick-off meeting in Ingolstadt, we started the coordination of the new Horizon Europe project INTERSTORES.

RECOIN Meeting 2023 in Baden

25. – 27.09.2023 | During a presence meeting in Baden (Switzerland), the partners exchanged information about the progress in RECOIN.

Hannes’ PhD Defense

27.07.2023 | Our research group celebrates the second successful PhD defense of this year.

EGU General Assembly 2023

24. – 28.04.2023 | Julia, Christoph, Hesam, Maximilian and Peter shared their research on the EGU23 conference in Vienna.