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Thesis Topics

If you are interested in writing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis in our working group, please feel free to contact us. In addition to the listed topics, we also offer many other topics and are open to suggestions from you.

Internal Courses

Study Programmes
Bachelor courses

GEO.06486Grundlagen der Angewandten Geologie I (5 ECTS, BSc3, WS)
GEO.06492Grundlagen der Angewandten Geologie II (5 ECTS, BSc3, WS)
GEO.06488 Spezielle Methoden der Angewandten Geologie (5 ECTS, BSc4, SS)
AGE.00188FSQ Geländemethoden (10 ECTS, BSc4, SS)
GEO.00232 Geophysikalische Methoden (5 ECTS, BSc4, SS)
GEO.07105Labor- und Feldmethoden der Angewandten Geologie (5 ECTS, BSc5, WS)
GEO.05403Geostatistik und GIS (5 ECTS, BSc5, WS)
AGE.00144 Projektseminar Wasser, Boden, Pflanze (5 ECTS, BSc6, SS)
GEO.06489Berechnungsverfahren in der Angewandten Geologie (5 ECTS, BSc6, SS)

Master courses

GEO.05407Orientierungsmodul (5 ECTS, MSc1, WS)
GEO.07106Engineering geology I (5 ECTS, MSc1, WS)
GEO.05990Special mathematics for geoscientists (5 ECTS, MSc1, WS)
GEO.07101Hydrogeology (5 ECTS, MSc1-3, WS)
GEO.07102Hydrochemical processes in groundwater (5 ECTS, MSc1-3, WS)
GEO.05989Numerical groundwater modelling (5 ECTS, MSc2, SS)
GEO.05991 Excursion and field course (5 ECTS, MSc2, SS)
GEO.07103Geothermal energy (5 ECTS, MSc3, WS)
AGE.06082/GEO.06496Project management in applied geology (5 ECTS, MSc3, SS)

Courses are linked to the search in the catalogue of MLU. Some courses may not be found in the catalogue, either because they have not yet been listed or they are not held in the current semester.

External Courses

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