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Prof. Dr. Peter Bayer
Head of Department

Dr. Andreas Englert
Senior Scientist

M.Sc. Wiebke Lehmann

PhD Student

PhD Student



Technical Staff



Juri Buchantschenko

Dr. Lisa Maria Ringel

Prof. em. Dr. Peter Wycisk

Dr. Ronny Lähne

Dr. Jay Krishna Thakur

Dr. Reiner Stollberg

Dr. Raafat Wassef

Dr. Tobias Hubert

Dr. Ahmed Sefelnasr

Dr. Jörg Neumann

Prof. Dr. Annegret Thieken

Dr. Tilmann Steinmetz

Abdelouahed Oussouss

Dr. M. J. Afshari Moein

Open Positions

Vacancies in the Applied Geology group are advertised here on our website and in the MLU job portal.

Scholarship Opportunities

If you are interested to apply for an individual scholarship in collaboration with our working group please contact Prof. Peter Bayer.

■  DAAD – international project

Logo applied geoology
Anne Ballhaus

Anne Ballhaus

Secretary / Sekretariat

Tel.: +49 345 / 55 – 26151


Room H3 4.23
von-Seckendorff-Platz 3
06120 Halle (Saale)