
RECOIN Meeting 2024 in Stockholm

23. - 24.09.2024 | During their second presence meeting, the partners exchanged information about the progress in RECOIN.

From September 23 to 24, 2024, the RECOIN project partners met at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology facilities in Sweden.

Besides various presentations on the individual work packages across the different national subprojects, extensive time was allocated for discussions and exchanges to realise RECOIN’s progress through close international and interdisciplinary collaboration. One highlight of the meeting was a visit to the Stockholm Technical Museum during the second day. There, RECOIN’s second demonstration site is located, where the newly developed controller will be tested, evaluated and refined.

Altogether it was a very profitable meeting and an excellent platform for the project partners to build further on. We thank KTH, and the Technical Museum for their kind hospitality and look forward to the future developments of RECOIN!

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