
Heat and Salt Tracer Experiments at Krauthausen Test Site

02. - 16.05.2023 | To better understand heat transport in the subsurface, two heat and salt tracer experiments have been conducted. Combining heat and salt during the injection allowed us to quantify in detail differences between salt and heat transport.

The tracer experiments together with co-located hydraulic experiments have been conducted by Hannah, David and Andreas.  The experiments have been complemented by cross-borehole georadar measurements conducted by the team of Prof. Anja Klotzsche (Forschungszentrum Jülich). Daily georadar measurements allowed to quantify heat and salt even between boreholes.

The picture above was shot by Philipp Meulendick (Forschungszentrum Jülich) during a drone flight right before the first experiment. The experiments at Krauthausen test site will be continued in July 2023.

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