

05.06. – 07.06.2024 | AG attending a leading international conference on energy storage – Enerstock 2024, in Lyon.

Applied Geology Workshop

18.7.-20.7.2022 | Over a two-day workshop, our working group fostered its collaboration with our colleagues from the Department of Engineering Geology of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Long Night of the Sciences 2022

01.07.2022 | Events offered by the Department of Applied Geology at the “Long Night of the Sciences” attracted great interest.

Monitoring campaign on groundwater temperature hotspots in Germany and Switzerland

16.05.-02.06.2022 | With David’s help, Maximilian was able to carry out field measurements at various locations in Germany and Switzerland. In Halle, Berlin, Cologne, Mannheim and Zurich, high-resolution groundwater temperature-depth profiles were logged in observation wells next to and in underground car parks. The collected data will be used to assess the influence of underground […]

Open Courses

Also in this year some of our block courses will be opened for external participants!