
Press article on CO2 emissions from geothermal energy – study with involvement of our working group

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The working group appreciates media attention on the topic of environmental impacts of geothermal energy related to own work.

Recently, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung published a press article about CO2 emissions of geothermal power plants. Some of the information in the article relates to a publication about the Kirchstockach geothermal power plant near Munich, in which members of our working group were involved; further, our co-authors are interviewed in the press article as experts on the subject. We appreciate the attention to our socially significant research which we will continue to pursue in future!

Click here for the – highly recommended – press article of the Süddeutsche Zeitung:

  • Das CO₂-Problem der Geothermie
    Manche Erdwärme-Kraftwerke in der Türkei stoßen mehr Kohlendioxid aus als Kohlekraftwerke. Warum diese Energiequelle dennoch eine Zukunft haben könnte.

Further information on the topic can also be found in the corresponding publication:

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