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Seasonal thermal energy storage

Seasonal thermal energy storage

Seasonal thermal energy storage

We investigate the re-use of artificial, large scale basin structures in order to convert them for the storage of thermal energy. By analyzing a wide range of scenarios, we identify an optimal way to build systems which are both energy efficient and cost-effective. In modern district heating networks, complex and strategically advanced energy concepts with a high proportion of renewable energy sources are only viable with a flexible heating and cooling concept. At this point, seasonal thermal energy storage supports the bridging and balancing of oversupply and deficiencies of the supply of thermal energy. In a project we are cooperating with an industrial partner to promote the conversion of a refinery into an environment-friendly research campus that exploits a high share of renewable energies. In this respect, a key innovation of our approach is the utilization of multiple basins, that are optimally adjusted to the target requirements via diverse technical configurations and operating principles.


Godinaud, J., Pryet, A., Bayer, P., Larroque F. 2025. Impact of land cover and climate change on aquifer thermal and energy storage (ATES) system performance. Geothermics, 127, doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2025.103262.

Bott, C., Dahash, A., Noethen, M., Bayer, P. 2024. Influence of thermal energy storage basins on the subsurface and shallow groundwater. Journal of Energy Storage, 92, 112222.

Bott, C., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Bayer, P. 2022. Component-based modeling of ground-coupled seasonal thermal energy storages. – Applied Thermal Engineering, 118810.

Bott, C., Bayer, P. 2022. Modelling environmental interactions of
large-scale, closed seasonal thermal energy storage systems, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-856 .

Bott, C., Bayer, P. 2022. Modeling the Thermal Interference Between Closed Large-Scale Heat Storage Facilities and Groundwater. XXIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR), Gdansk, Poland, 19-23 June 2022, Abstract#57.

Stemmle, R., Blum, P., Schüppler, S., Fleuchaus, P., Limoges, M., Bayer, P., Menberg, K. 2021. Environmental impacts of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151, 111560.

Bott, C., Dressel, I., Bayer, P. 2020. Paraffin wax as self-sealing insulation material of seasonal sensible heat storage systems—A laboratory study. Plos One, 15(7).

Bott, C., Bayer, P., Dressel, I. 2020. Closed, in-ground, water-based seasonal storage systems for thermal energy – State of technology in Europe. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Bott, C., Dressel, I., Bayer, P. 2019. State-of-technology review of water-based closed seasonal thermal energy storage systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 113,109241.

Dressel, I., Bott, C., Bayer, P. 2018. Converting idle infrastructure to large scale seasonal heat storage systems. Poster session presented at 45th IAH Congress, Daejeon, Korea.

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